show vox produced webcam 20121025 sd from Sean Astin on Vimeo.

Episode 24: October 25, 2012

Vox Populi Radio

October 25, 2012

The show today was live from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. It covered the third Presidential debate and other topics related to the current election cycle. Sean discussed aspects of the debate such as the role of the moderator, the stance and appearance of the participants, along with the topic of the debate (foreign policy and international relations). He utilized clips from the Jon Stewart Daily Show, Sean Hannity, and Chris Wallace during his discussion. He also reviewed how the participants of the debates followed up on the debate in their campaigning, and used clips from their stump speeches to illustrate. Sean had extended and intense discussions with callers concerning the 9-11-12 attack on the American mission in Benghazi in Libya and other current events that may factor into people’s decisions at the polls.
