Back on the Road for Hillary Clinton!


August 2, 2016

13892095_1258460727508380_652044527659127760_nI’m back on the road for HILLARY. Today’s journey started yesterday in Hawaii. After much needed family time, the moment has come to dig in and do my part for Democracy. As Patton famously said, “God help me, I love it so.”

The plan is for me to hit three states in three days; Wisconsin, Nebraska & Iowa. The Campaign has me visiting phone banks, volunteer training sessions and various staff gatherings. I absolutely love this kind of campaigning. Nothing in Government is more inspiring than seeing passionate and devoted citizens working hard to make the world a better place. I drop in, very briefly tell the story of why ‪#‎ImWithHer‬ thank them all, sometimes roll up my sleeves and make calls or canvass myself, do news or radio interviews, answer blog questions, and basically have a blast promoting my candidate.

It isn’t always easy. There are way too many haters, trolls, pessimists & cynics. While I’ve gotten pretty good at discarding the forces of destruction when confronted with them, I can never totally dismiss or ignore them. It’s hard to discern who the malcontents are from those with a genuine difference of opinion or a well considered bias against my candidate. I genuinely enjoy hearing opinions that differ from my own and I always reserve the right to change or amend my positions based on new information or a better case that’s made.

Make no mistake, I am for HILLARY CLINTON for President. I like her. I trust her. I have every confidence that she will discharge the duties of her office with wisdom, discipline and courage.

For those who are committed single issue voters (Life, 2nd Amendment etc…), I’m not sure that we have much to discuss over the next 99 days. I respect you and your deeply held beliefs, I simply prefer the way HILLARY intends to approach those profound issues.

I must address several counterproductive themes that emerge in the comments on my Facebook posts regarding my support for HILLARY. For those who claim to be so turned off by an actor espousing his views (even on my own site) I implore you to “unlike” my page. For those of you who claim to be “DISAPPOINTED IN ME” for my preference of candidate, please spare me and the others who frequent my political conversations your condescension and similarly “unlike” the page. For those with honest, thoughtful, disagreements or differing views, please share them respectfully and I will be most certainly open to hearing them.

One last thought on my immediate Campaign Agenda, I’m not out to beat my head against the wall with firmly committed Trump supporters. My feelings about the man, his lack of qualifications, his erratic and ill-mannered clumsiness are absolute. My quest is to commune with HILLARY Staff, Volunteers, Supporters, currently disinterested citizens, undecided voters, Committed, Reasonable Republicans and anyone who is up for the learning, the teaching, the excitement of the process and the spirit of the moment. In the coming weeks, I’m sure I’ll have some great debates and passionate arguments/conversations with worthy opponents. That will be fun too.

So, with humility and boundless energy, I go forth once more to “fight” for HILLARY, the most experienced and clear eyed leader I know!


